Friday, January 6, 2012

BendDesk : A Multi-Touch Desk With a Curve
Imagine your current computer workspace and the way that you interact with it: You write on paper or use your keyboard on a horizontal surface, and use screens for viewing on a vertical surface. Even if both of these surfaces were touchscreens, moving documents between the surfaces would be a difficult task. Not only does having two screens isolate information but it also decreases the applicability of direct manipulation, since finger movement is interrupted across bezels. Dragging a file to the trash is a good example of direct manipulation. The BendDesk takes care of the problem that comes with dragging from one surface to the other by adding in a curve where the two screens join. The curve, or bend, is a fully functional part of the touchscreen as well and could serve as a useful area for a taskbar or placeholder. The desk is a bit bulky however, and depends on three cameras and two projectors to work. If this idea is combined with a few others in the works, such as a reactive touch surface, I think it could really shine. The desk is also ergonomically designed to fulfill the needs of an everyday desk, meaning you can place objects like a cup of coffee or a laptop on it as you would your normal desk

مكتب يعمل ككمبيوتر ثلاثي الأبعاد باللمس

يعاني أصحاب المكاتب من عدم وجود مساحة كافية للعمل مع وجود جهاز كمبيوتر بمكوناته المختلفة، وهو ما دفع شركة "Media Computing Group" الألمانية لصنع مكتب عمل عبارة عن كمبيوتر سطحه شاشة تعمل باللمس. يتميز كمبيوتر "Bend Desk" بعدم الحاجة إلى ماوس أو لوحة مفاتيح، حيث يعمل باللمس، كما أنه أكثر قوة وسرعة من الكمبيوترات العادية، بالإضافة إلى الرؤية ثلاثية الأبعاد، كما يحتوي على أجهزة بروجكتور وكاميرات مخبأة فضلاً عن شرائط من ضوء "LED"، ويمكن أن تمارس عليه الألعاب في أوقات الراحة، أو في الأوقات التي لا يكون فيها مديرك موجوداً

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