Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Clementine Candle Slideshow

How To Make a Clementine Candle Slideshow
A number of years ago, when I taught school, I used to visit my students at home once a year. One of my students was European and this was something they did at home every clementine season. His mother showed me how to do it exactly as you see here... Turns out that clementines are also a hugely popular fruit in Japan and are given as meaningful gifts during the winter season. When a local Japanese production company saw this post last year, they asked me to show it to their viewers on television. So, Sara and I posed for the cameras last December, and then they went in for their closeup on the clementine. I made nearly half a dozen for their cameras before we were done. We realize that many people still may not have heard about the beautiful Clementine Candle and that others may wonder how it's done. Since making one is easier shown than written, we went home last night and photographed the process.

بالصــــور والفيديــو :   شمعة الكلمنتينا .. البرتقال

في ظل أزمة الكهرباء وخصوصاً في قطاع غزة الحبيب بسب الحصار الإسرائيلي فقد بحثنا عن جميع وسائل الإنارة وبإستخدام جميع الوسائل ولكن من أطرف وأجمل الطرق هي طريفة لصنع شمعة من قشر الكلمنتينا. كل ما نحتاجه كلمنتينا وزيت زيتون – أو أي زيت متوفر لدينا – وعود كبريت. وتشاهدون مزيداً من التفاصيل في هذا الفيديو

1 comment:

  1. The people of Palestine will survive and enjoy one day his independence.
    DR. Asem Shehabi
